DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO 结构描述用于创建分配的参数。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO { VOID *pPrivateDriverData; UINT PrivateDriverDataSize; union { UINT Alignment; struct { UINT16 MinimumPageSize; UINT16 RecommendedPageSize; }; }; SIZE_T Size; SIZE_T PitchAlignedSize; DXGK_SEGMENT...
typedef struct _DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO2 { VOID *pPrivateDriverData; UINT PrivateDriverDataSize; UINT Alignment; SIZE_T Size; DXGK_SEGMENTPREFERENCE PreferredSegment; UINT SupportedSegmentSet; UINT MaximumRenamingListLength; HANDLE hAllocation; DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS2 Flags; DXGK_ALLOCATIONUSAGEHINT *pAllocat...
typedefstruct_DXGK_ALLOCATIONUSAGEINFO1{union{struct{UINT PrivateFormat :1; UINT Swizzled :1; UINT MipMap :1; UINT Cube :1; UINT Volume :1; UINT Vertex :1; UINT Index :1; UINT Reserved :25; }; UINT Value; } Flags;union{ [out] D3DDDIFORMAT Format; [out] UINT PrivateFor...
TheDXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGSstructure identifies properties for an allocation. [out] A UINT value that specifies whether the allocation is directly accessible by the CPU. The display miniport driver must set this flag for the user-mode display driver to successfully call thepfnLockCbfunction on the ...
DXGK_PRESENTALLOCATIONINFO保留供系统使用。 请勿在驱动程序中使用。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_DXGK_PRESENTALLOCATIONINFO{HANDLE hDeviceSpecificAllocation; D3DGPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS AllocationVirtualAddress; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; WORD SegmentId; WORD PhysicalAdapterIndex; } DXGK_PRESENTALLOCATIONINFO; ...
DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO 結構描述建立配置的參數。 語法 C++ 複製 typedef struct _DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO { VOID *pPrivateDriverData; UINT PrivateDriverDataSize; UINT Alignment; SIZE_T Size; SIZE_T PitchAlignedSize; DXGK_SEGMENTBANKPREFERENCE HintedBank; DXGK_SEGMENTPREFERENCE PreferredSegment; UINT SupportedRead...
DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS 结构标识分配的属性。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS { union { struct { UINT CpuVisible : 1; UINT PermanentSysMem : 1; UINT Cached : 1; UINT Protected : 1; UINT ExistingSysMem : 1; UINT ExistingKernelSysMem : 1; UINT FromEndOfSegment :...
DXGK_ALLOC_RESERVED1 [in]此成员是保留成员,应设置为零。 从 Windows 8 开始支持。 DXGK_ALLOC_RESERVED0 [in]此成员是保留成员,应设置为零。 从 Windows 8 开始支持。 Value [out]联合中DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS包含的成员,该成员可以保存标识分配属性的 32 位值。
您可以在 32 位Value成員中設定位,或在DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS結構所包含的等位中設定結構的個別成員,以指定配置的屬性。 規格需求 展開資料表 需求值 最低支援的用戶端Windows Vista 標頭d3dkmddi.h (include D3dkmddi.h) 另請參閱 DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFO ...
DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS2结构包含分配的其他属性。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS2{union{struct{UINT ShareBackingStoreWithKmd :1; UINT Reserved :31; }; UINT Value; }; } DXGK_ALLOCATIONINFOFLAGS2; 成员 ShareBackingStoreWithKmd ...