Apex Legends 崩溃问题的故障排除步骤。 说明 《Apex Legends》在游戏过程中崩溃并显示错误消息“0x887A0006 - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG”。 解决方法 安装 最新的 英特尔®显卡 – Windows* DCH 驱动程序。查看 如何在 Windows® 10 和 Windows 11* 中安装 英特尔® Graphics Driver。 安装最新的 Windows...
since a few months I have the problem that I Apex Legends regularly a driver crash with the error "0x887A0006-DXGI_Error_Device_Hung". It doesn't matter which driver version I install, it happens with all of them.What I have done so far to fix the error:- Driver completely ...
Hello, I recently got the game and keep getting this message "dxgi_error_device_hung the applications device failed due to badly formed command sent by the application. This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed" Drivers up to date and PC can certainly run it, tried...
NVIDIA Customer Care recently posted requesting info here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Apex-legends-dxgi-error-device-hung/m-p/8116531/highlight... How to Pull a DxDiag https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/pc/how-to-gather-dxdiag-information/ Reply 0 + XP #8 ...
这版驱动修复了不少游戏bug,其中就有困扰《Apex Legends》玩家长达一年之久的DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG...
而最为重要的改进点是,这版驱动修复了不少游戏bug,其中就有困扰《Apex Legends》玩家长达一年之久的DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG错误。这个错误多发于Turing显卡上,尤其是高端Turing显卡用户常常会遇到由它造成的游戏闪退问题,更为要命的是,有些时候游戏系统会把由崩溃引起的退出比赛识别为玩家自行退出,继而被禁止参与游戏...
My error was DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG (“The GPU will not respond to more commands”). All those games fifa, nba , Apex Legends are all EA, maybe, just maybe try doing that? and from clean boot start games from ea app not anything else. 0 Likes Reply AMD...
(Act 1 was fine). If I run in DX11 I get the device error hung in like 30 seconds flat. Weirdly, it didn't happen during early access at all. I was able to play for a few hours with no issues. Once release day came, though, suddenly I started getting this error almost ...
楼主的笔记本是y7000p的2020h版,cpu是10875h,显卡为2060,之前自己动手清过一次灰,换了7950相变片,拯救者模式为野兽模式 首先是cpu的调试方法,通过 +3 146457 apex英雄吧 独撸门教主 0x887A0006 I DXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG The application's device faileddue to badly formed commands sent by the application....
You can fix the 0x887a0006 Dxgi error device hung in Apex Legends problem by running the game with admin privileges and updating your GPU driver. The error means that the outdated graphics card cannot process what is being displayed by the game, so it crashes. ...