Codes de groupe des cotes alignées Code de groupe Description 100 Marqueur de sous-classe (AcDbAlignedDimension) 12 Point d'insertion pour des clones d'une cote—Ligne de base et Continue (dans le SCO) DXF : valeur X ; APP : point 3D 22, 32 DXF : valeurs Y et Z du poin...
Codes de groupe des cotes alignées Code de groupe Description 100 Marqueur de sous-classe (AcDbAlignedDimension) 12 Point d'insertion pour des clones d'une cote—Ligne de base et Continue (dans le SCO) DXF : valeurX; APP : point 3D ...
You might wonder what the correlation is between the definition file of a hatch pattern(acad.pat, acadiso.pat) and the DXF codes of AcDbHatch object. The following is dxf code for pattern data: 53 Pattern line angle 43 Pattern line base point, X component 44 Pattern line base point, Y ...
entity data group codes are supported by AutoCAD, which maintains and manipulates their values as described: Table 11-19. extended entity data groupcodes and descriptions +===+ | Entity Name | Group code | Description | |---|---|---| | String | 1000 | Strings in extended entity data...
DL_Codes::version exportVersion = DL_Codes::AC1015; DL_WriterA* dw = dxf->out("myfile.dxf", exportVersion); if (dw==NULL) { printf("Cannot open file 'myfile.dxf' \ for writing."); // abort function e.g. with return
//application-defined codes组102中的组码和组值由 //应用程序定义 //102组结束 "}" 100子类标记(AcDbSymbolTableRecord) 下表列出了当Persistentreactors被附着到对象上时输出的组码: ACAD_REACTORS记录 组码说明 102 "{ACAD_REACTORS"表示AutoCADPersistentreactors组的开始 ...
//application-defined codes组102中的组码和组值由 //应用程序定义 //102组结束 "}" 100子类标记(AcDbSymbolTableRecord) 下表列出了当Persistentreactors被附着到对象上时输出的组码: ACAD_REACTORS记录 组码说明 102 "{ACAD_REACTORS"表示AutoCADPersistentreactors组的开始 ...
I'm searching for the reference documentation of the DXF implementation for Autocad 2018. I've the user's and developer's documentation for this version but I need the DXF reference. I've found this documentation up to the 2015 version but I need the group codes for the Datalink objects ...
With Excel Draw you can create your own custom VBA to use Excel Draw exactly the way you need it! Most of Excel Draw’s functions have already been added in to this collection of custom codes, and more are being added through various updates!