DXDT Racing 确认将以一台科尔维特Z06 GT3.R赛车参与2025赛季 #IMSA卫士泰克跑车锦标赛# GTD组别的赛事。 这支总部位于北卡罗来纳州的车队今年在 #GT世界挑战赛美洲杯# 中表现非常优秀,由 Alec Udell, Tommy Mi...
DXDT Racing 宣布,两届 总冠军 Pipo Derani 将在 加盟车队,作为第四车手参赛。 这位巴西车手早前刚刚...
DXDT Racing官宣 车手阵容,Alexander Sims、Blake McDonald、Patrick Liddy 将加入车组,共同参与 年度...
DXDT’s Askew added: “DXDT Racing has changed and grown a lot since Bryan joined the team, and much of that has to do with him. He’s one of the quickest drivers out there, but even more importantly, he knows and understands this business like the back of his hand. “I’ve gone...
Derani, whose future racing plans have yet to be announced, told Sportscar365 that his test with the David Askew-led team came about as a result of his relationship with DXDT general manager Erin Gahagan, with whom he worked closely with at the now-defunct Tequila Patron ESM. ...
DXDT Racing公布2025赛季参赛车手阵容,车队将在明年派出一台科尔维特Z06 GT3.R赛车征战 #IMSA卫士泰克跑车锦标赛# 五轮米其林耐力杯的赛事。 #亚洲勒芒系列赛# LMP2组别2023赛季年度总冠军 Salih Yoluç,#世界...
Wickens 表示:“这我长期以来直寻机会,如果没有 DXDT Racing车队板 David Askew、...
DXDT Racing两台科尔维特Z06 GT3.R在昨晚的 美国之路第二回合正赛中大放异彩,继续保持着强劲的势头。
Having started on pole, Udell held control of the race over the Pro-Am class pace-setter Philip Ellis in the No. 91 Regulator Racing Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo, which was on a reverse driver strategy, through the mid-race round of pit stops. ...
DXDT Racing公布2025赛季参赛车手阵容,车队将在明年派出一台科尔维特Z06 GT3.R赛车征战 #IMSA卫士泰克跑车锦标赛# 五轮米其林耐力杯的赛事。#亚洲勒芒系列赛# LMP2组别2023赛季年度总冠军 Salih Yoluç,#世界耐力锦标赛WEC# 科尔维特厂队车手 Charlie Eastwood 与 DXDT Racing长期合作车手 Alec Ude ...