DxDiag 報告檔案有助於我們收集有關您電腦硬體資訊以及找到常見問題。 我們可能會要求您將 DxDiag 報告檔案添加至您的案件中,以利於我們解決技術性問題。 要取得DxDiag 報告檔案: ● 開啟「執行」命令視窗 您可以透過按下「Windows」+「R」鍵或在工作列的搜尋欄中搜尋「Run」來開啟 ● 輸入「dxdiag」並按下「確定...
How do I open and runDxDiag.exe to collect information about my device ... Learn how to use the DxDiag.exe tool to collect system information useful for troubleshooting problems with Microsoft Casual Games. 如何通过使用 DirectX 诊断工具来确定 DirectX 的版本 ... ...
使用 DirectX 的游戏可以更有效地使用内置于硬件的多媒体加速器功能,从而改善你的整体多媒体体验。 如果你的电脑未安装正确版本的 DirectX(产品包装盒上应标有所需的版本),游戏可能无法正常运行。 检查你的版本 请按照以下步骤使用 DirectX 诊断工具检查你的 DirectX 版本: 在工具栏上的“搜索”框中,输入dxdiag。 ...
★DirectX加速:打开“开始”(Start) -> “运行”(Run),键入“dxdiag”并回车打开“DirectX 诊断工具”(DirectX Tools),在“显示”(Display)页面,点击DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Texture 加速三个按钮启用加速。把“声音的硬件加速级别”(Hardware Sound Acceleration Level)滚动条拉到“完全...
Learn how to run a DxDiag report on your computer to help diagnose problems when your PC game is not working as it should.
Learn how to run a DxDiag report on your computer to help diagnose problems when your PC game is not working as it should.
to access dxdiag, you can follow these steps: press the windows key + r on your keyboard to open the run dialog box. type "dxdiag" (without the quotes) in the box and press enter or click ok. the directx diagnostic tool window will open, displaying various tabs with information about ...
to access dxdiag, you can follow these steps: press the windows key + r on your keyboard to open the run dialog box. type "dxdiag" (without the quotes) in the box and press enter or click ok. the directx diagnostic tool window will open, displaying various tabs with information about ...
Run DirectX Diagnostic Tool (DxDiag) If you’re having problems getting a game or movie to play properly, theDirectX Diagnostic Toolcan help you point out the source. To access it, go to Start in Windows 11/10/8/7, typedxdiag,and press Enter. ...
How to run DxDiagTo run DxDiag, press the Windows key, type dxdiag, and press Enter.DxDiag commandsThe dxdiag also has a few command options, as shown in the syntax below.dxdiag [/dontskip] [/whql:on] [/whql:off] [/64bit] [/x outfile] [/t outfile]...