Welcome to the High School DxD Wiki! The wiki about Fujimi Shobo’s High School DxD light novel series that anyone can edit. This wiki has 1,240 articles with 244,863 edits made. Contribute to this Wiki If you want to write a new article, just enter the title in the box below....
Welcome to the High School DxD Wiki! The wiki about Fujimi Shobo’s High School DxD light novel series that anyone can edit. This wiki has 1,240 articles with 244,896 edits made. Contribute to this Wiki If you want to write a new article, just enter the title in the box below....
My name is Freed Sellzen. I belong to a certain Exorcism organization. Ah, just because I introduced myself doesn’t mean you have to. I don’t want to remember your name in my memory, so please don’t. It’s okay, since you are going to die soon. I will
1 Rias Gremory 2 Issei Hyoudou 3 Summaries 4 Tsubaki Shinra 5 Advertisement Skip to content High School DxD Wiki 142 pages Sign in to edit High School DxDis a Japanese light novel series written by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama-Zero. The story centers onIssei Hyodo, a perverted...
最后加帕斯觉醒,瞬间屠杀了所有女魔术师,大量女魔术师瞬间爆体而亡。随后又阻断了传送阵,这是女魔术师们就全军覆没了。 看点:首先从装束来说女魔术师的衣服就很诱人,虽然不像那些明目张胆的色情动漫,但依然保留了巨大的胸部,长袍的使得她们并不适合灵活运动,所有在近身的适合这些女魔术师又很容易被虐杀,喜欢r向的...
Wiki addict. 11 years ago OverLordArhas @abocadosaid: hehehehe! Wiki addict. Try it. 11 years ago XHUNTER @overlordarhas:You are hook at this aren't you? 11 years ago TheBlondeGod Revising most of it, because it clearly doesn't give much information. ^^ ...
《High School DxD Wiki | Fandom》剧情简介:5月份中特估概念愈发火热银行、非银金融等板块一度领涨不过最近上述板块也成为市场的杀跌主力银行板块连续4个交易日跌超5%非银金融板块4个交易日跌幅也达到4.2%这精钢剑的炼制意外的顺利不过一个时辰长剑的外观便打造完毕了样式普通炼制到此处招凝手掐法决循着鬼手炼器法的...
High School DxD Wiki Hello all and welcome to the Highschool DxD Fanon Wiki! Please go read the High School DxD Wiki:Rules before creating a page. As a result of our most recent purge, there will be far stricter enforcement of said rules. Other than that, please enjoy yourselves with ...
《High School DxD Wiki | Fandom》剧情简介:人工评测分为动作描述、原因解释和全句三个部分通过人工判断ADAPT在这三部分的准确性分别达到了90%90.3%和82.7%证明了ADAPT的有效性便是这个理High School DxD Wiki | Fandom熊豪蛊对于很多人来说杨议这个人的话老是像过山车一样来回波动让人捉摸不定他内心的小九九和...
High School DxD is a visual novel from Kadokawa Games, based on the events of the first season of the anime. The majority of the gameplay is simply the player choosing conversation choices. However, at the end of each character is a "Dressbreak" boss bat