神灭具(Longinus)最高等级的神器就是神灭具,是可以消灭神和魔王的神器。『神灭具』都拥有两种或两种以上的能力。已知的神灭具有13种。上位神灭具 黄昏之圣枪 (True Longinus)煌天雷狱 (Zenith Tempest)魔兽创造 (Annihilation Maker)绝雾 (Dimension Lost)精锐级神灭具 幽世之圣杯 (Sephiro...
《恶魔高中D×D》是日本小说家石踏一荣的著作,みやま零插画的轻小说作品。 小说第一部无印版第25卷告一段落,后续第二部《真恶魔高中D×D》系列。 2015年6月,中华人民共和国文化部公布网络动漫产品“黑名单”,《high school(恶魔高校)》位列其中。 [1] ...
第一百零三章 黄昏之圣枪(true longinus) 第一百零二章 神灭具,绝雾 第一百零一章 英雄派,曹操 第一百章 目标祸之团! 第九十九章 莉亚丝的最后一名眷属 第九十八章 温泉大骚乱 第九十七章 目前还不是艹猫狂魔的罗摩 第九十六章 黑歌:喵喵喵??? 第九十五章 被遗忘的女武神,洛丝维亚瑟 第九十四章 小猫的姐...
When Issei suggested to Cao Cao to use his True Longinus to help and protect people, Cao Cao acknowledged had he and Siegfried met and befriend Issei earlier, they would not have ended up becoming terrorists in the Khaos Brigade. Another sign of his kind nature is that despite wanting to ...
Cao Cao, the owner of the Original and Strongest Longinus,True Longinus, known as the "Strongest Human" andIndra's Vanguard, due to his combat skills and mastery of the True Longinus. Tobio Ikuse, the owner of the Longinus,Canis Lykaon, known as the "Slash Dog" and "Fallen Dog God",...
Looks promising been trying to find a version the True Longinus for a while. Might be worth releasing each of them separately first then combine into a megapack like Medieval Armory by emclear as it could take a while and other people might offer to help if you get interest. Just a sugge...
True Longinus. 后记 插图第十七卷 教师研习的女武神 Life.0 Life.1 绝赞修练中! Life.2 冥界的学校! Life.3 恶意所指Life.4 新生代恶魔 New Life. Brother? Emperor.后记 插图第十八卷 圣诞节的搞笑天使 Life.0 Life.1 在圣诞节还是要恶魔! Life.2 禁忌之事 Life.3 D×D在天界一样出击!
True Longinus. 后记 第十七卷 教师研习的女武神 Life.0 Life.1 绝赞修练中! Life.2 冥界的学校! Life.3 恶意所指 Life.4 新生代恶魔 New Life. Brother? Emperor. 后记 第十八卷 圣诞节的搞笑天使 Life.0 Life.2 禁忌之事 Life.3 D×D在天界一样出击! Fake Hero. Joker. Life.4 燃烧吧,圣剑! Ne...
True Longinus. 后记 第十七卷 教师研习的女武神 Life.0 Life.1 绝赞修练中! Life.2 冥界的学校! Life.3 恶意所指 Life.4 新生代恶魔 New Life. Brother? Emperor. 后记 第十八卷 圣诞节的搞笑天使 Life.0 Life.1 在圣诞节还是要恶魔! Life.2 禁忌之事 Life.3 D×D在天界一样出击! Fake Hero. Jok...