DXTextureCreate 从传递图像中剪切的指定大小的矩形中创建2D结构。 intDXTextureCreate( intcontext,// 图形环境句柄 ENUM_DX_FORMATformat,// 像素颜色格式 uintwidth,// 源图像宽度 uintheight,// 源图像高度 const void&data[],// 源图像像素数组
DX9 D3DXCr..用CreateTextureFromFile()加载的纹理,通过D3DXMatrixScaling()进行任意百分比的压缩都能够正常显示,但是用D3DXCreateTexture()生成的纹理(用GD
Post tutorialReportRSSText: Failed to create dx texture even after going managed: Ran out of memory I've been having this issue recently. I believe I reached a weapon cap as every time I try to add a weapon into a kit unlock this happens. Does anybody know how this...
如果排除DirectX版本没有达到游戏要求的可能,可能又是显卡驱动程序惹的祸了,某些版本的显卡驱动无法打开或禁用了DirectX的3D功能,运行dxdiag.exe打开“DirectX诊断工具”,在“显示”选项卡的“DirectX功能”栏中点击“Direct3D 加速”和“AGP纹理加速”右侧的“启用”,如果按钮是灰色的不可用状态,则说明...
DXDynamicTexture for BVE Trainsim 5/6 Allows the ATS plugin to update in-game texture dynamically. Can apply to panel images as well as scenario textures on the models. Helps you create a more lively environment. Prerequisites You must write your Plugin with C# and DllExport instead of C++....