(pair). The first element is the resource pointer to the BLAS, the second is the matrix to position the object. In the Going Further section we will use those matrices to animate the scene by only updating the TLAS and keeping the BLAS fixed, making it useful for rigid-body animations....
就是COM只能指针需要的#include<dxgi1_6.h>//DXGI的头#include<DirectXMath.h>//我们涉及的变换矩阵,向量的头#include<d3d12.h> //for d3d12#include<d3dcompiler.h>//D3D 编译相关的#if defined(_DEBUG)#include<dxgidebug.h>//DXGI有一个独自的调试,下面还有一个flag相关的#endif#include<wincodec.h> ...