DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Featured ArticlesDXNews Forum is Alive!2025-01-19 10:14:05As requested by many of our viewers, DXNews now feature a Forum covering the most important topics related to Amateur radio. Views580364 Comments28 80% More... ...
DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 1 T88HR Koror Island 2025-03-03 15:13:11 Hara, T88HR will be active again from Koror Island, IOTA OC - 009, Palau, 6 - 11 June 2025. Views25151 Comments0 More... T88TJ Koror Island...
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DX Bulletin Reader is a tool for viewing, archiving and searching the DX news bulletins. When the program displays a DX bulletin, it highlights all prefixes, callsigns, IOTA references and grid squares in different colors, and best of all, it highlights the items that are on your DXCC and...
DXZone is the largest online resource for amateur radio operators, offering thousands of links to ham radio websites, antennas, software, DXing, and radio communications.
That's not at all like our beloved ham radio, where we turn on the radio and within minutes we can be talking to people all over the world. Isn't ham radio great? It sure it is, and we love it!CARL SMITHP.O. BoxDXCq Amateur Radio...
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator By K2DSL. Google Map based worldwide grid square locator; determine grid square using an address or call sign (if in qrz.com database); enter a grid square and it returns a Google map of that square. ...
Amateur Radio DX Cluster online, iPhone, Android, Telnet (dxfun.com:8000), spots search, propagation, locators, gray line map, DX News...
HAM RADIO NEWS LETTERS1982 Crew - The Ham Radio Portal Amateur Radio News -- From HFRADIO.ORG -- From many sources -- A MUST SEE Amateur Radio Newsline -- In operation for 25 years and heard on 6000+ repeaters and HF bulletin stations around the world each week. Has Streaming ...