CodLUCK is a global DX solutions provider with branches and affiliated companies worldwide. By combining the strengths of each company, we can quickly and flexibly respond to large-scale and highly complex projects.
スクラッチ組織には、デフォルトで管理者ユーザが 1 つ含まれています。管理者ユーザは、通常すべてのテストニーズに適しています。ただし、異なるプロファイルと権限セットでテストするために別のユーザが必要になることがあります。
Sandbox は Salesforce 組織のコピーです。Sandbox を使用することで、本番組織のデータやアプリケーションを損なうことなく、開発、テスト、トレーニングを行うことができます。
HMS Networks AB, a global provider of industrial information and communication technology, has today entered into a binding agreement with DOGAWIST-Investment GmbH to acquire 100% of the shares in PEAK-System Technik GmbH, a well-established German provider of industrial communication solutions and ex...
Global Technology Director “We needed to keep the Lendhaus team as lean as possible while delivering a sophisticated product to our customers. We remain extremely impressed by the product management perspective and speed of delivery the PhoenixDX team bring to the table.” ...
Job Level Considered Timeframe Pros "The CA tools allow to me to get into detailed transactions for custom ranking, and be able to make predictions. It also gathers data. Some other tools may be good at one area, but not good overall, including the mainframe." ...
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5. Basic know-how in cloud platform development and knowledge about IaaS, PssS and SaaS solutions. Good English communication skills 博世集团网上招聘数据处理同意声明 博世集团(博世)感谢您对本职位有兴趣。在您自行或通过第三方投递本职位前,请仔细阅读本声明。您的投递将被视作理解并同意本声明并自愿做出单...
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【职位描述】 Responsible for connectivity customer Task: Coordinates the creation of the design spec直聘ification Determine the resource requirements in coordination with Software PM Coordinate the sub-project schedules of the sub-PM and create an overall project plan form the delivered subproject plans ...