Post index Links to posts in reverse date order back to December 22, 2009 For monthly archives seeArchiveswidget in side column (approximately 345 posts)
Dr Darrel Regier had presented and discussed rationales, coding proposals and timings for six new DSM-5 disorders that APA has proposed for insertion into ICD-10-CM. But the Diagnosis Agenda proposals to add the new DSM-5Somatic symptom disorderandIllness anxiety disordercategory terms...
data from 179 school-age children evaluated with rigorous research criteria for seven disorders: reading disability (RD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental coordination disorder (DCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), depression, and anxiety. Fully...
928; rare neurological disorder that Yale's star power forward has Poutrincourt, Mlle. Thierry T. 309; ETA prorector who taught a class called "Separatism and Return: Québecois History from Frontenac Through the Age of Interdependence" in Québecois French; 523; described, 673, 675; susp...
‘Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention.’ForDSM-5, APA has approved the shifting of PFAMC“from its obscure place in the back of prior DSM editions into the Somatic Symptom Disorders chapter”where it now attracts a mental disorder code. (Another issue that has ...
For the mandatory core ICD-11 classification, WHO is going forward with the SSD-like Bodily distress disorder (BDD). But the ICD-11 PHC is proposed to include a disorder category called “Bodily Stress Syndrome (BSS)” that has been adapted from the Fink et al (2010) Bodily distress syndr...
In Denmark, psychiatrists are already incorrectly using the terms somatoform disorder and functional somatic syndrome as synonyms for ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, IBS, whiplash, migraine and others. In fact it has been proposed that these illness and 5 others be placed under a single category. We are ...