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UNDER CONSTRUCTION We are working hard to bring you new experience!
Cluster DX Wikipedia CB Radio Log in Username: Password: Log in automatically: :: I forgot my password CT Bill Board Views This Year All Time Views Classified Adverts Latest topics »Introduction, Pembrokeshire. Call sign query. (Issued) ...
Use RBN spots on your favorite DX Cluster for CW and RTTY contests when allowed Far more spots, with smaller pileups than human- posted Cluster spots Quickly fills up your logging software band map Helps you find clear spots (between stations you can’t hear) Shows where you are ...
cluster The smallest allocatable unit of disk storage allowed by MS-DOS; each FAT entry represents one cluster. controller An electronic device for connecting one or more mass storage peripherals (rigid disk drives, tape drives, and optical disk drives) to the input/output circuits of a host ...
The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of October (SSB) with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible.
【极其罕见超远E-Skip E层FMDX】101.2MHz 吉林广播电视台乡村广播(通化集安市转播)整点片段(2025-01-13 13:00) 87 0 01:42 App 98.1MHz 梅州五华县台(五华广播电台)整点报时片段(2024-12-17 16:00) 115 0 01:17 App 【E层FMDX】宁波93.9+遂宁99.7 117 0 01:01 App 100.5MHz 汕头澄海区台(澄...
据RCR无线新闻网近日消息,日本运营商Rakuten Mobile宣布开始使用700MHz频段提供商业服务,该频段被称之为“黄金频段”。 Rakuten Mobile指出,700MHz的黄金频段有着更好的室内建筑穿透效果和更优的地下连接性能。除了部署700MHz基站外,其还将继续扩大关东地区的5G...
倒计时第3天!!! 泰顺人民广播电台——廊桥之声调频收听频率将从2019年2月1日零点起正式调整为FM97.2MHz,原来的城关FM98.8MHz和乡镇FM102.1MHz停止播出。 同时,为方便听众适应调整过程,在试播过渡期间1月10日至31日,播出频率为FM97.2MHz、FM98.8...
【E-Skip E层FMDX】KBS Happy FM(KBS第二广播)光州 HLAA-SFM 95.5MHz 整点报时(2022-05-27 11:00) 190 -- 2:50 App 【对流层FMDX】广西私家车930 FM97.2(玉林转播频率)整点报时(2021-09-25 凌晨0点) 57 -- 2:23 App 【E-Skip E层FMDX】菲律宾西米沙鄢西内格罗省描戈律DYKS-FM Love Radio...