His Minister Announces Plans to Simplify Energy Performance Diagnosis in French Housing Sector Posted onMarch 17, 2024March 18, 2024 New Approach to Improve Reliability and Flexibility The Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, recently revealed plans to simplify the new energy ...
2 DX Awards: The SKCC offers 2 different DX awards. DXQ is based on QSOs with SKCC members outside your own country; QSOs from more than one member per country count toward your totals. The DXC award is based on countries; only one QSO with each country can be counted. The rules ar...
DX AwardsWe begin our tour of DX awards this month with the Europe Award, one of the RAAG (the Greek national radio amateur association) series, which requires contacts with European countries. Also featured this time are awards from Italy, Russia, and Japan.TED MELINOSKY, K1BV...
由全球知名的IT行业研究机构 IDC 发起的“2020数字化转型大奖”正式全球揭晓。IDC授予Glue Up未来链接(EventBank全球升级品牌)“数字化转型坚定者”大奖,以表彰Glue Up未来链接在推动全球企业动数字化转型方面的重要贡献和卓越努力。Glue Up未来链接的产品和使命是运用创新科技帮助全球的机构与机构、机构与人、人与人更...
“intelligence” that cities need cannot be provided by technologies alone, it is also driven by advancing business models. We would like to congratulate Yingtan and our other customers on these prestigious awards that show industry recognition for their efforts and achievements in moving towards ...
“intelligence” that cities need cannot be provided by technologies alone, it is also driven by advancing business models. We would like to congratulate Yingtan and our other customers on these prestigious awards that show industry recognition for their efforts and achievements in moving towards ...
Co-Primers About Our Story CoSara Leadership Scientific Advisory Board Awards and Grants Contact Us Feedback Resources All Resources Blog News Articles Publications Events and WebcastsSkip to content 123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001 123-456-7890 Products...
《舞萌DX》(maimai でらっくす)是由SEGA(世嘉)开发并在日本等中国内地之外地区发行,中国内地由广州华立科技股份有限公司代理发行的音乐节奏类街机游戏,于2019年7月11日在日本上线,2019年12月在中国内地上线 。该游戏以圆形画面为特征,通过敲击画面外侧的8个按键或触碰画面进行游玩 。游戏玩法 投入游戏币:...
目前,4DX Screen融和厅的技术已获得了爱迪生奖、美国东部电影展“年度创新者”大奖、“iResearch Awards金瑞奖”最佳成长产品奖等十余个奖项,充分得到了行业内外的认可。 2018年10月国内首家4DX Screen融和厅在上海开业,第一部电影《神奇动物2》即获得影迷热捧,首周末上座率达71.6%。根据市场调研显示,4DX Screen厅...