Visiting or hosting an event in Dubai? Dubai World Trade Centre is the UAE's leading event venue and the largest event and exhibition centre in the whole region.
We give the brightest startups the global stage to shine and a chance to worth funding worth $200,000 SUPERNOVA CHALLENGE A platform that gives exhibitors the power to procure meetings with buyers and investors of their choice through match-making INVESTOR PROGRAMME Where young aspiring markete...
Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC)is thepremier events spacein the region. With more than three million annual visitors, 50,000 exhibitors and around 185 countries represented, the sprawling exhibition centre is more than meets the eye, with restaurants, hotels, offices and lounges – but it...
150 guests in the first half of 2024, an increase of more than 28% compared to H1 2023. Additionally, the total number of events held at JOCC and Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC) increased by 17% from 76 in
四、海湾交通展11月21日--11月23日 详情网址: 五、2023 年迪拜肌肉展和活力展11月24日--11月26日 详情网址: ...
ThesehallsanswertheincreasingdemandforbothDubai’sdevelopingMICE sectorandforexhibitionfacilitiesthroughouttheregion.Thestructureflows intotheTradeCentrePlazawhichleadsdirectlytotheWorldTradeCentre metrostation.ThePlazaitselfisanonsiteoutdooreventspacecommonly usedforexhibitsandbanquetsduringthecoolerwinterseason. Sheikh ...
三、第11届迪拜耳科神经及颅底外科展 详情网址: 四、年度放射学会议- ARM 2023 详情网址: 五、2023国际家庭医学会议暨展览会 ...
Visiting or hosting an event in Dubai? Dubai World Trade Centre is the UAE's leading event venue and the largest event and exhibition centre in the whole region.
& innovative technologies to the region,SGI Dubaiis the largest exhibition for signage, digital signage, retail signage solutions, outdoor media, screen and digital printing industry in the MENA region. The2024 showwill be held on the24 – 26 September, 2024at theDubai World Trade Centre, UAE...
The richness concerning mineral oil made Dubai famous in the world. The economy booms and skyscrapers rocket high everywhere in the city. Burj Khalifa, the highest building worldwide, overtops everything with 828 metres. Dubai World Trade Center offers 93,000 sq m exhibition area. The Centre ...