授予角色rs2_update 步骤8 复制以下语句在窗口1中执行,将对应的角色授予对应的用户,实现将一组权限授予用 户。 GRANT rs1_select, rs2_update TO u1, u2; --u1,u2可以对s1的查询权限、对s2的更新权限。 GRANT rs2_select, rs1_update TO u3, u4; --u3,u4可以对s2的查询权限、对s1的更新权限。
tables in s1 to the rs1_select role. GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA s1 TO rs1_update; -- Grant the query and update permissions on all the tables in s1 to the rs1_update role. GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA s2 TO rs2_select; -- Grant the query permission ...
获取微信账号信息(昵称/账号/手机/邮箱/数据库密钥/wxid);PC微信数据库读取、解密脚本;聊天记录查看工具;聊天记录导出为html(包含语音图片)。支持多账户信息获取,支持所有微信版本。 - PyWxDump/tests/build_exe.py at master · DDWDWSDAD/PyWxDump
integrity sha512-O27l4xaMYt/RSQ5TR3vpWCAB5Kb/czIcqUFOM/C4fYcLnbZUc1PkjTAMjof2pBWaSTwOUd6qUHcFGVGj7aIwnw== dependencies: define-property "^1.0.0" isobject "^3.0.0" snapdragon-util "^3.0.1" snapdragon-util@^3.0.1: version "3.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com...
GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA s1 TO rs1_update; -- Grant the query and update permissions on all the tables in s1 to the rs1_update role. GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA s2 TO rs2_select; -- Grant the query permission on all the ...
CREATE ROLE rs2_update PASSWORD disable; -- Permission to update s2 Step 6 Run the following statements to grant the access permissions of schemas s1 and s2 to the roles: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA s1, s2 TO rs1_select, rs1_update,rs2_select, rs2_update; ...
s2. GRANT rs2_select, rs1_update TO u3, u4; -- Users u3 and u4 have the permissions to query s2 and update s1. Step 9 Run the following statement to view the role bound to a specific user: \du u1; Step 10 Start another session. Connect to the database as user u1. ...
s2. GRANT rs2_select, rs1_update TO u3, u4; -- Users u3 and u4 have the permissions to query s2 and update s1. Step 9 Run the following statement to view the role bound to a specific user: \du u1; Step 10 Start another session. Connect to the database as user u1. ...