步骤1 创建表my_table,其中列data存储了每个人的相关信息,使用JSONB类型来表示。 CREATE TABLE my_table (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, data JSONB); 步骤2 插入数据。 INSERT INTO my_table (data) VALUES ('{"name": "John", "age": 30, "address": {"career": "announcer", "state": "NY"}}')...
In any case, JOIN binds more tightly than the commas separating FROM items. LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN Returns all rows in the qualified Cartesian product (all combined rows that pass its join condition), and pluses one copy of each row in the left-hand table for which there was no right-...
-- 使用场景: 行存表转列存表/列存表转行存表 转换自定义函数 -- 1. 可保留注释、索引和约束的前后一致性 -- 2. 建议打开视图重建功能,否则表存在依赖对象时会转换失败 -- 3. 日志会记录详细的执行日志信息,包括转换前后的表定义、权限和索引信息 -- 4. 转换失败后日志会记录详细的失败信息 -- 5. 行...
You can also log in to the VPC management console to manually create a security group. Then, go back to the page for creating data warehouse clusters, click the button next to the Security Group drop-down list to refresh the page, and select the new security group. To enable the GaussDB...
步骤1 创建表my_table,其中列data存储了每个人的相关信息,使用JSONB类型来表示。 CREATE TABLE my_table (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, data JSONB); 步骤2 插入数据。 INSERT INTO my_table (data) VALUES ('{"name": "John", "age": 30, "address": {"career": "announcer", "state": "NY"}}')...
case classOrderDetailWide( varorder_detail_id:Long =0L, varorder_id: Long=0L, varorder_status:String=null, varcreate_time:String=null, varuser_id: Long=0L, varsku_id: Long=0L, varsku_price: Double=0D, varsku_num: Long=0L, ...
目前开始更新 MyBatis,一起深入浅出! 目前已经更新到了: Hadoop(已更完) HDFS(已更完) MapReduce(已更完) Hive(已更完) Flume(已更完) Sqoop(已更完) Zookeeper(已更完) HBase(已更完) Redis (已更完) Kafka(已更完) Spark(已更完)
以下是代码片段.===*/ private void theTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e){if(!ExCondition()){return;}try{theTimer.Enabled=false;MyTransaction();}catch(Exception es){WriteLog(es.Message);}theTimer.Enabled=true;}//检测执行条件 private boolExCondition...
MyTransaction(); } catch(Exception es) { WriteLog(es.Message); } theTimer.Enabled = true; } //检测执行条件 private bool ExCondition() { DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; if(this.currentmode.Equals("auto")) { string[] frev = this.freqvalue.Split(''-''); ...
获取微信账号信息(昵称/账号/手机/邮箱/数据库密钥/wxid);PC微信数据库读取、解密脚本;聊天记录查看工具;聊天记录导出为html(包含语音图片)。支持多账户信息获取,支持所有微信版本。 - PyWxDump/tests/build_exe.py at master · DDWDWSDAD/PyWxDump