Bentley Systems has announced that Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is to deploy its ProjectWise project team collaboration platform to improve its work sharing, better manage engineering content, better leverage its existing hydraulic models for its water and wastewater networks, and reduce costs.Cat Fitzpatrick...
Wrap Up Wales This Winter with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
1. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and Natural Resources Wales win National Innovation award [J] . The Environment Magazine group The Environment Magazine . 2016,第JulaAuga期 机译:威尔士Dwr Cymru威尔士水和自然资源获得国家创新奖 2. WESSEX WATER WIN THE INSTITUTE OF WATER NATIONAL INNOVATION AWARDS 2017...
WALES: End of Water Bug Scare in Sight; You Can Stop Boiling Water within Days Pledges Boss of Dwr CymruRead the full-text online article and more details about WALES: End of Water Bug Scare in Sight; You Can Stop Boiling Water within Days Pledges Boss of Dwr Cymru....
Byline: By HYWEL TREWYNDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
Read the full-text online article and more details about 'Only Fair' to Sell Wales' Water to England like Oil; FORMER DWR CYMRU CHIEF CALLS FOR ENERGY AND VISION.Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)