A real shame, as I had wanted this to be a long-term role. Upper management are dismissive and patronising when employees question anything and will not accommodate people struggling with late finishes. As a result, I and many colleagues are looking to move on. 优点 Decent pay and good ...
“Now I am stuck in no-man’s-land: I can’t plan work, I have to say no to opportunities, my stress levels are through the roof and my PAs do not know when they will next get paid.” Disabled artist-activist Jess Thomhas written aboutthe impact of AtW delays on th...
you will be fed back ‘your rate is too high.'” When Bick questioned how the company could know in advance the precise proportion of people who needed to be put in this category, the trainer replied: “How do we know? I don’t know who set the criteria but that’s what we are ...
telephone numbers All 0845 users benefit from a subsidy from callers, regardless of whether they are paid a "revenue share" directly It may not have been the Department's original intention to take subsidy from service users when it started to use 0845 numbers, but that is what it is ...
“The board will provide an update to the family following further consideration when this has been concluded.” By the time DWP reassessed Errol in 2017 for his eligibility for ESA, his mental health had deteriorated further, and he failed to engage with the process and did not turn up ...
NO REDRESS: Any victim will find no useful redress whatsoever if they attempt to complain. They are advised to make a private complaint to the GMC regarding the named doctor who examined them. When already so ill and/or disabled, this is an unreasonable request and there is evidence to demo...
She told me: “When I saw the heart I wanted to cry, but I had to be strong for Jodey.” She said it had been her first visit to London since 1983. “It was a big step but I’m glad I have done it. I will carry on as long as I can. I knew from the start that what ...