DWL平铺窗口管理器是一个基于 wlroots 的窗口管理器,它可以在 wayland 上运行。wlroots 是一个通用的、...
dwl - dwm for Wayland ⚠️Migrated to Codeberg This project hasmigrated to Codeberg. Join us on our IRC channel:#dwl on Libera Chat Or on ourDiscord server. dwl is a compact, hackable compositor forWaylandbased onwlroots. It is intended to fill the same space in the Wayland world th...
不要为 xwayland 客户端设置撤回状态 7个月前 config.h 减少多余的工作区切换动画 22天前 cursor-shape-v1-protocol.h 功能:支持指针约束协议 7个月前 dwl.desktop 更新启动管理器中的名字 12个月前 main.c 改为通用waybar 22天前 meson.build
guileguixwaylanddwlhome-serviceguixhomeguix-homedwl-guiledtao UpdatedMar 30, 2024 Scheme robot-locomotion/dwl-rviz-plugin Star11 Code Issues Pull requests DEPRECATED -- please use the following plugin:https://github.com/loco-3d/whole_body_state_rviz_plugin ...
gnome我不用,但我用gtk3开发。那个窗口标题栏,最大最小化,wayland下我用dwl,x下我用dwm,都是根本没有标题栏,所以我肯定不支持在合成器里加标题栏绘制功能 GNOME 是不是最好的 Linux 桌面环境? 发布于 2024-09-25 13:40・IP 属地江苏 赞同 分享收藏 ...
Japokwm is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that makes it a breeze to create custom layouts with a simple configuration. 🚀 You determine where the windows should go, and Japokwm handles the rest, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the view. 🌟 ...
It is intended to fill the same space in the Wayland world that dwm does in X11, primarily in terms of functionality, and secondarily in terms of philosophy. Like dwm, dwl is: Easy to understand, hack on, and extend with patches One C source file (or a very small number) configurable...
dwl.o: dwl.c client.h config.h config.mk cursor-shape-v1-protocol.h pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-protocol.h wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.h xdg-shell-protocol.h wlr-output-power-management-unstable-v1-protocol.h util.o: util.c util.h # wayland-scanner is a tool which gener...
xwayland; xcb_size_hints_t *size_hints; if (surface->modal) return 1;for (size_t i = 0; i < surface->window_type_len; i++) if (surface->window_type[i] == netatom[NetWMWindowTypeDialog] || surface->window_type[i] == netatom[NetWMWindowTypeSplash]...
Wayland以及其它一些虾产品进口商认为, 科尔多瓦省的玉米收割正在进行,许多农田状况不佳,单产从每吨1.5吨至10吨不等。具体来看,油炸鱼糕的消费金额为174日元,羧ツ晖期相比了11.7%;竹圈鱼糕的消费金额为136日元,与去年同期相比了11.7%;普通鱼糕的消费金额为192日元,与去年同期相比了28.1%。银合欢种子种植技术...