Eastern style dwarven armor. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Donations A set of dwemer armor that somewhat resembles the Morrowind armor's style.Original mod made by Sandaron.I fixed an issue where the armor would be invisible when worn and made it craftable and temperable. It ...
它们现在已部分重建以用作自动机,因此您无法再使用适合装甲的装甲(我的Dwarven Power Armor mod上有装甲),尽管经过了重新设计,但它们仍然笨拙,不能无需其他自动机来控制它们。 它们通常会留在地面上,直到您将其关闭为止,由于机器的限制,它们长时间无法巡逻。
_Heavy armor:+5 _Two handed:+5 Specials: _Dwemer Legacy: 20% best forge _Lorkhan's breath: SELF CRAFTED steam that do 100 points of damage Also comes with Vampire compatibility (Special Thanks to expired method) and Dewmer beards of Anuiel. ...
The Facility produces the Cyborgs and equipment needed for maintenance and upgrading. Use the Facility to manufacture your own army of Cyborgs and conquer Vvardenfell, or Let them display your nicest armor or ..VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Learn more Nexus ...
灵感来自Simstar为Morrowind设计的“一个好地方”。在Pelagia农场旁增加一栋Dwemer房屋,里面装有人体模型,用于Skyrim中的每种装甲类型,其中不少用于装甲Mod。 后果3: 更多色彩鲜艳的服装FO3版 辐射NV: 更多色彩鲜艳的服装辐射力NV版 辐射4: 更多丰收和更多 ...
_Heavy armor +5 _Speech+5 _Two Handed +5 Specials: _Lorkhan breath: deadly steam can do 150 points of damage. _Dwemer resistance: 5% to magic, to frost, poison and damage -10% better forge at the smith. Requirements: Skyrim legendary edition or better, dawngward. ...
这是我的旧mod的更新,因为我说我没有找到我的味道,只是压倒了狗屎和非常不同的方面,也非常沉重。这些是脂肪: _Smithing:+10 _Alchemy:+ 5 _Sheeching:+5 _Enchanting:+5 _Heavy armor:+5 _Two hands:+5 Specials: _Dwemer Legacy:20%best forge _Lorkhan的气息:SELF CRAFTED蒸汽做100点伤害 ...
The dwarven dragon ("Aetherial Dragon") included in Chaos Dragons has a plasma-like aura mesh which it equips like an armor piece to make its wings look cool. Replacing the dragon with RoboBirdie's model will result in a graphical glitch that clips with the canvas wings. ...