Psalms Dwelling Together in Unity: The Placement of Psalms 133 and 134 in Two Different Psalms Collections.Recent scholarship has devoted much attention to the arrangement of the MT of the book of Psalms (here referred to as the MT Psalter). The differing arrangements found among the Dead Sea...
It was possible for Jacob to be fooled because of the wedding customs of the day. According to those customs the wife was veiled until she was finally alone with her husband in the “honeymoon suite.” If it was dark by the time Jacob and his new bride were alone together (something L...
Fry were raised together at a maximum density of five offspring per 10-L tank for 37 days under ad-libitum food- (brine shrimp and ground-up flake food) and benign (non-sulphidic) water conditions; partial water changes were performed every second day. Large broods (≥ 10 offspring) ...
Oasis connects members to exist- ing community services that provide instrumental support (such as meal delivery) and promotes the building of social networks by providing members with an oppor- tunity to attend daily activities (such as fitness classes) in which they have opportu- nities to ...
It was also experienced very positively that the personnel were always together with the dementia sufferers. You feel yourself welcome and the door is open for everyone … At once they hear that someone is going in the stairs, one of them [the personnel] is meeting and acknowledges ...
The battle created a tight network of solidarity within the family who tried to keep together in order to get through the storm intact. This is the overall picture we formed from our interpretation of the interviews. Looking back at the decision from a point when the events were past, we ...
fo r the two sites together) and these nests were used in measurement o f forag in g range. E ac h nest was observed fo r at least 1 h .T o det erm ine how f ar the w o rkers g o aw ay fr o m t heir nest to collect fo od,w e offered them food (pie...
It was also experienced very positively that the personnel were always together with the dementia sufferers. You feel yourself welcome and the door is open for everyone … At once they hear that someone is going in the stairs, one of them [the personnel] is meeting and acknowledges ...
fo r the two sites together) and these nests were used in measurement o f forag in g range. E ac h nest was observed fo r at least 1 h .T o det erm ine how f ar the w o rkers g o aw ay fr o m t heir nest to collect fo od,w e offered them food (pie...
(1) Background: The aim was to analyze the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Mini Sarcopenia Risk Assessment (MSRA) in older adults. (2) Methods: A total of 136 participants (72.24 ± 5.21 years, 68.38% women) took part in the study. The MSRA includes two questionn...