People usually love short and sweet names. Whether it’s business names or baby names, short names are usually appreciated. Short names are easier to remember, which is why people prefer them. They leave a lasting impression on the audience and are therefore more popular. On the other hand,...
Nayeli: Thank you for the overly dramatic introduction, but those aren't names I know. So perhaps you can explain what you're doing here, and we can come to some sort of accord before even more of your folk get hurt. Catti-brie: And ye can talk very specifically about this power ...
‘aunt’ for example) and dwarves prefer titles - a person is a mother, a miner, a teacher, etc - to personal names. You’d need to specify WHAT woman was waiting… (Note: ReardenYeh has been elided. Also, if you meant a human female in a human house, it would be Ver HuVoth...
Tell any story on any size table with our savage new Wildlands terrain, featuring three untamed biomes:Dreadhollow Forest,Erinthor MountainsandBleakmyre Swamp. You may notice some familiar names from earlier campaigns here, but those sets only scratched the surface of these environments. Now we ...
All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC. For more information please visit Monte Cook Games.” Theme by Rav...
All the names of NPCs and establishments in the City of Midmark were generated using a variety of random tables and scripts, most of which have now been posted to this blog. Primarily, this happened one of two ways: for NPCs and places I know will be significant (or at least mentioned...
Complete step-by-step instructions with photos and piece names, allowing you to replicate some of our featured builds.Home / Cities Untold: Lowtown Build Guides for Districts and Landmarks rolling out. Stay tuned for more uploads! Wildlands Fully illustrated build guides for select sets from ...
* A look-up table to convert between location names and waypoint in the {@link CrystalsWaypoint.Category} values. */ protected static final Map<String, CrystalsWaypoint.Category> WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS =
Name Dwarven Hold: Sights and Sounds Alternate Names Start Page No. 6 RPG Issue GM's Monthly Miscellany (March 2015) Article Index 3 Category Setting Fans: 0 Become a Fan Corrections Clone Customize View Subscribe RSS Feed ObjectID: 138872 Description...
–Added ranking titles. Top players from experience, achievements and pet points rankings will have a badge displayed next to their names inside the game! –Added the cards album, so players can collect their cards and add them to their cool album. ...