DWARF II : A Portable and Versatile Smart Telescope DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 5678% Dwarf Telescope—A Portable Digital Telescope DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 15620% TinyScopeCAM—Microscope in half the size of a business card DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 159%...
DWARF II : A Portable and Versatile Smart Telescope DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 5678% Dwarf Telescope—A Portable Digital Telescope DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 15620% TinyScopeCAM—Microscope in half the size of a business card DWARFLAB 已結束 • 已籌集 159%...
Preferito dal sostenitore DWARF II : A Portable and Versatile Smart Telescope DWARFLAB Terminati • 5678% finanziato Dwarf Telescope—A Portable Digital Telescope DWARFLAB Terminati • 15620% finanziato TinyScopeCAM—Microscope in half the size of a business card ...
DWARF II : A Portable and Versatile Smart Telescope DWARFLAB Beendet • 5678% finanziert Dwarf Telescope—A Portable Digital Telescope DWARFLAB Beendet • 15620% finanziert TinyScopeCAM—Microscope in half the size of a business card
DWARF II : A Portable and Versatile Smart Telescope DWARFLAB 終了• 5678% ファンディング済み Dwarf Telescope—A Portable Digital Telescope DWARFLAB 終了• 15620% ファンディング済み TinyScopeCAM—Microscope in half the size of a business card DWARFLAB 終了• 159% ファンディング済...
这款APP与DWARF系列望远镜配合使用,旨在为用户提供一站式的天文观测解决方案。 【软件内容】 1、DWARFLAB 智能望远镜,以先进技术赋能,为消费者开启多元视角,记录精彩世界。无需专业指导,开机即用。 2、具备优秀的界面设计和用户交互体验,使用户可以轻松操控DWARF II智能望远镜。 3、APP通过无线网络与DWARF II智能...
搭着深海的拖拉机创建的收藏夹搭着深海的拖拉机内容:DWARFLAB DWARF II 智能望远镜M13星团大赏,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
DWARFLAB smart telescope, empowered by advanced technology, opens up a world of diverse perspectives for users, capturing the wonders of life. No guidance or ex…
DWARF II旨在帮助普通大众以最低的技术能力快速体验天文乐趣。您无需成为天体物理学天才或可以使用 James Webb 望远镜来娱乐天体摄影世界。您已经拥有了您需要的所有设备!打开应用程序并将 DWARF II 连接到智能手机。 操作简单,一键定位目标星空,自动跟踪,实时叠加,个性化调色,打造属于你的4K天文照片。快来享受吧!
My last hangup with the panorama mode is that you need to connect the Dwarf 3 directly to a computer or phone using a USB cable to access the folder with the captures. Unlike the Dwarf II, there's no removable microSD card, and you can't transfer the panorama images using ...