Ceres, named after the Greek God of Cereals is a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is the largest asteroid / dwarf planet in the belt.
Ceres is the closest dwarf planet tothe Sunand is located in theasteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, making it the only dwarf planet in the innersolar system. Ceres is the smallest of the bodies current classified as dwarf planets with a diameter of 950km. Ceres Size Ceressize compared...
Planet–disk interactionsSolar System dynamical evolutionThe Dwarf Planet Ceres revealed the presence of ammonia and other unique properties compared to other asteroids in the main belt which suggests that it was not formed in situ. We model the early dynamical evolution of the outer Solar System ...
Since its discovery in 1801, Ceres has had multiple identities. First, it was thought to be a planet. Then, when it became apparent that it was too small, it was reclassified as an asteroid — the first to be discovered. In 2006, Cereswas named a dwarf planetin response to the discov...
between a planet and a dwarf planet is the area surrounding each celestial body. A dwarf planet has not cleared the area around its orbit, while a planet has. Since the new definition, three objects in our solar system have been classified as dwarf planets: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, and Eris...
Size does matter, at least when considering whether 2015 [RR.sub.245] qualifies as a dwarf planet. To date the International Astronomical Union has named only five objects as dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. Big, new, far-out object Smiles are inevitable with Doug ...
The Dawn mission found that the dominant colour variation on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is a change of the visible spectral slope, where fresh impact craters are surrounded by blue (negative spectral-sloped) ejecta. The origin of this colour varia
1. Why doesn't Ceres have a family of "ceroids" associated with it? The protoplanet Vesta, another large body in the asteroid belt that Dawn examined from orbit, has a family of asteroids that orbit near it. These "vestoids" are believed to have been blasted out by a powerful impact...
The dwarf planet Ceres is a complex and active world unlike any other place in the solar system, new research suggests. Observations by NASA's Ceres-orbiting Dawn spacecraft indicate that "ice volcanos" have erupted on the dwarf planet in the recent past and that Ceres' crust is an odd ...
“The large impact structures on Ceres give us access to the deeper layers of the dwarf planet,” explains Andreas Nathues of the MPS, first author of the current study and Lead Investigator of Dawn’s camera team. “As it turns out, the current topography and mineralogical composition of ...