The instant variety of nectarine tree is a new and distinct genetic dwarf variety broadly characterized by a vigorous, drooping tree which reaches six feet in height and bears clingstone fruit possessing many of the characteristics of color, size, firmness and flavor generally found in nectarine ...
A new and distinct variety of Nectarine Tree which is somewhat similar to the May Grand Nectarine Tree, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 2,794, with which it is most closely related, but which is distinguished therefrom and characterized as to novelty by producing fruit which is ripe for commercial ...
A genetically dwarf nectarine tree, with short internodes, which is comparatively large, vigorous, upright, spreading, dense, foliated with large, lanceolate leaves having a glandular, crenate margin, blooms with large, pink flowers, and a regular and very productive bearer of large, uniform, ...