岩矮人在日常交流中使用矮人语,大部分也会通用语,尽管水平不一,商人或一些地位较高的岩矮人更加倾向于在日常交流中使用通用语,一些从事与焰人相关职业的岩矮人(如掘石者督工)也会使用粗糙的伊南语。 历史(History): 岩矮人最早起源于已经灭亡的南方矮人王国普罗非提尔(Profiteer),在一次失败的起义后,奸诈的葛拉顿...
As enanguished he turns from the laugh of the scorner, And drops to perfection's remembrance a tear; When floods of despair down his pale cheeks are streaming, When no blissful hope on his bosom is beaming, Or, if lulled for a while, soon he starts from his dreaming, And finds torn...