Despite the familiar write-up, thedwarf 5especies still has surprises up its sleeves. With the right combination of subraces andDnD classes, players can create unique dwarfDnD character buildsthat bring utility and variety to their roleplaying. The dwarf is one of the most enduringDnD racesfor ...
Setting flexible; mostly sci-fi &/or fantasy (I know SW, MiddleEarth, DnD, & ST best, but Ulisses Spiele & Cypher System high on list too. There are a few other niche sys. like DCC, a homebrew 3.5 or Pathfndr I/II; But at this point I'd even DM or play a well-run 5e ...
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MiddleEarth, DnD, & ST best, but Ulisses Spiele & Cypher System high on list too. There are a few other niche sys. like DCC, a homebrew 3.5 or Pathfndr I/II; But at this point I'd even DM
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