The Age of...- During world generation, the calendrical ages are named for the greatest powers extant in the world, which commonly advance during world generation (e.g. Age of Legends, Age of Heroes, Age of Humans) due to the death of megabeasts, and sometimes even regress due to the...
Dwarves in Human Kingdoms The Dwarves have a long history throughout Runetalras, and have spread their people with various attempts at colonization, which met with varying degrees of success. With the success of humanity within the Age of Conquest and beyond dwarves now have significant populations...
(Players might choose to do so if they are trying to reach a certain age, if they want to embark near a tower, or if worldgen has slowed to a crawl, for instance). The actual length of history generation determines the details of the world; the history configuration setting only ...
Tracing the lineage of its destroyers back through the ages, T.A.R.N. has identified the specific chronojuncture where the course of history can be altered to ensure its total victory - a humble tournament, whose winner will be the ancestor of the hackers' noble leader. Too clever to be ...
Go to Numidius Homepage Dwarf "How can you tell a human just became a dwarf's best friend? The human has recently died of old age and the dwarf is attending their funeral." — From the book Durinian Diplomacy by Hurdin Firesteel. Dwarves, sometimes called Durin's Folk, are a race ...
related to 0011156 confirmed Loci Unavoidable crash related to picking up equipment parent of 0010880 confirmed Loci Segmentation fault, reproducible via save state parent of 0010975 new Crashes when a human caravan leaves map parent of 0010894 new Seg Fault. parent of 0010851 confirmed Loci Cr...
Unlike the largerSyrian Hamster– Dwarf Hamsters aresociable animalsthat can live with others of their species. Being able to live together in peace is, of course, dependent on whether they come from the same litter or if the owner hasintroduced them to one another correctlyat a young age. ...
Varric Tethras Dragon Age 104 votes Charming, witty, and a master storyteller, Varric Tethras stands out as a unique and engaging dwarf character in the Dragon Age series. As a rogue archer, Varric defies traditional expectations for dwarves while providing essential support to his comrades in ...
Due to being indexed as a Non-Human character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppears asOfficial GenderMale Eye ColorUnknown Hair ColorUnknown Hair LengthUnknown Apparent AgeUnknown Animal EarsUnknown Relations Add a Relation ...
WARHAMMER: AGE OF SIGMAR - Flashpoint Clash: Of Fang and Fungus New background and rules for a campaign of underground war between Gloomspite Gitz and Skaven. Provides background and a host of new rules, as well as a narrative battleplan, The Warped Heart. - Flashpoint Rondhol: Stemming...