DW-H5600EX屬於G-SHOCK的G-SQUAD系列運動錶款,擁有強悍耐用的特性,讓您掌控全局,隨時準備好再創巔峰。 特製版DW-H5600EX附有可替換式錶圈及錶帶。您可選擇G-SHOCK第一代型號DW-5000C設計草圖的描繪線條風格,或以原始電路板的接線圖造型展現繽紛豐富的色彩,透過不同方
DW-H5600EX-1 HK$3,640.00 當產品返貨時通知我 防震 20 巴防水 概覽規格更多資訊 DW-H5600系列以DW-5600的經典型號外觀進行設計,在延續了太陽能動力和藍牙連接等強大功能的同時,還配備了心率監測功能、血氧測量以及呼吸訓練等功能。 DW-H5600EX採用獨特的設計包裝,並放置可替換錶殼和錶帶。DW-H5600EX的設計...
卡西欧(CASIO)40周年限定款 GSHOCK小方块太阳能蓝牙心率手表男 DW-H5600 DW-H5600EX-1伊部局雄限定双壳带图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
在淘宝,您不仅能发现兄妹数码适用DW-H5600MB手表膜 DW-H5600保护贴膜DW-H5600EX-1JR的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于兄妹数码适用DW-H5600MB手表膜 DW-H5600保护贴膜DW-H5600EX-1JR的信息,请来淘
Take control and get ready to push yourself with the DW-H5600EX — from the tough, sports-oriented G-SQUAD line of G-SHOCK watches. The special-edition DW-H5600EX comes with interchangeable bezels and bands. Depending on the mood of the day, choose the
佩載DW-H5600EX 來掌控並推動自己。這款手錶來自 G-SHOCK 的堅固、運動型 G-SQUAD 系列。特別版 DW-H5600EX 配備可替換式錶圈和錶帶。根據當天的心情,選擇受首款 G-SHOCK DW-5000C 技術圖紙啟發的繪圖線條圖案,或選擇顯示原創電路板接線圖的彩色佈局設計。這款多元運動手
Take control and get ready to push yourself with the DW-H5600EX — from the tough, sports-oriented G-SQUAD line of G-SHOCK watches. The special-edition DW-H5600EX comes with interchangeable bezels and bands. Depending on the mood of the day, choose the
Take control and get ready to push yourself with the DW-H5600EX — from the tough, sports-oriented G-SQUAD line of G-SHOCK watches. The special-edition DW-H5600EX comes with interchangeable bezels and bands. Depending on the mood of the day, choose the
DW-H5600EX-1 Onlinestore Price RM1,995.00 Restock Notification Login Required Store Locator(Opens in a new tab) Take control and get ready to push yourself with the DW-H5600EX — from the tough, sports-oriented G-SQUAD line of G-SHOCK watches. The special-edition DW-H5600EX comes with...