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Receive independent news and analysis of the most important events from around the world on your smartphone, tablet, or Apple Watch — without ads and without pop-ups. The free DW App keeps you up to date on the most important news of the day and offers analysis on politics, business, ...
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Latest NewsAll Times Eastern 8:14pOkta delivers what some of its bigger peers couldn’t: a rosy outlook 8:12pTrump halts U.S. aid to Ukraine after Oval Office dustup with Zelensky 7:35pOpinionThe top 10% of Americans are propping up the economy. Here’s what will happen if they stop...
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Tolkien Language Haiku Contest on Middle-Earth News Posted onSeptember 20, 2015byThe Dwarrow Scholar It is with great pride and excitement I can announce that I will be one of the judges at the first ever Tolkien Language Haiku Contest on Middle-Earth News, as part of the Tolkien Week cel...
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