需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 《2021》dw_ahb_dmac_db推荐版本最新.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 DesignWare DW_ahb_dmac Databook DW_ahb_dmac 2.17d March 2012 DesignWare DW_ahb_dmac Databook Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information Copyright ©...
DMAC用来实现DMA传送的控制器,在DMA期间控制系统总线,需要CPU对其进行初始化编程设置 flow controller determine thelengthof a DMA block transfer andterminatesit. either the DW_ahb_dmac, or source/destination peripheral can be flow control, 如果在channel enable前知道传输的block size, DW_ahb_dmac需要被设...
The AHB DMA Controller (DW_ahb_dmac) can be used in an AHB subsystem to perform DMA transfers between AHB peripherals. When the AHB subsystem is bridged to an AXI subsystem through a combination of DW_ahb_eh2h and DW_axi_hmx, it is possible to do DMA transfers between AHB and AXI pe...
AHB/APB用于寄存器配置和访问,2个AXI Master port用于实现数据src和dst的搬运,带perh请求握手接口,独立的debug interface,中断接口 #主要特性 ▲共32个channel,每个通道都对应一对src和dst ▲每个channel都是单向的 ▲2个AXI Master支持多层级连接访问 ▲mem2mem,mem2perh,perh2mem,perh2perh ▲端模式可选,可...
1、CPU通过APB/AHB总线将DMA具体的配置进行配置,上图选择channel0,通过AHB配置传输的源地址、目的地址、传输的数据量等 2、源外设,发送DMA握手信号之后,DMA才会启动传输,在此之前会等待硬件握手信号 传输层次 针对非内存外设的DMA传输层次结构: DMA传输中,分为block为传输,对应的就是Block Transfer level,DMA Transac...