DVWA提示Unable to connect to the database. 因为数据库更换了默认端口,所以得在DVWA也进行相应的设置,但是设置的位置错了,导致一直连接不上数据库。 后面看到注释才发现是这个设置仅限PostgreSQL/PGSQL使用,至于Mysql更换端口以后直接设置在server地址后面即可。 刷新一下,数据库创建成功。
# 错误1 Unable to connect to the database. ## 错误信息 ![](/media/202404/2024-04-08_171755_8855350.8262969
配置$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ] = '6LdK7xITAzzAAL_uw9YXVUOPoIHPZLfw2K1n5NVQ'; 问题:Unable to connect to the database 处理:编缉dvwa/config/config.inc.php,将$_DVWA[ 'db_password' ]的值改成自己设的数据库root账号的密码 配置环境 开启MySQL service mysql start 运行mysql -u root连...
Unable to connect MySql then Please change to msql password by these commands -} service mysql stop -} mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & -} mysql -uroot -} use mysql; -} update user set password=PASSWORD("enter_new_password")where user='root'; -} flush privileges; -} service mysql...
配置$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ] = '6LdK7xITAzzAAL_uw9YXVUOPoIHPZLfw2K1n5NVQ'; 问题:Unable to connect to the database 处理:编缉dvwa/config/config.inc.php,将$_DVWA[ 'db_password' ]的值改成自己设的数据库root账号的密码
十三、Unable to connect to the database 进入/var/www/html/DVWA-master/config目录,编辑config.inc.php文件,将其中的$_DVWA['db_password' ]值改为刚刚设置好的数据库root账号的密码 十四、Writable folder /var/www/html/DVWA-master/hackable/uploads/:No ...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/dvwa/dvwa/includes/dvwaPage.inc.php:461 Stack t...
I'm back to the same problem: Unable to connect to database. I am still able to manually connect to mysql using the "dvwa" account. I double checked that the settings in the config file match. I ran tcpdump on the Ubuntu server while filtering for traffic on port 3306. I see bi-...
所以我对整个服务器的构建都很陌生,我试图在KaliLinux上制作一个DVWA服务器,但是它给了我一个错误: PHP模块PHP没有安装。但是当我尝试运行这个命令: apt-get安装php5-gd时,它给了我一个错误,它说:Unable to locate package php5-gd. 浏览0提问于2016-10-18得票数0 ...
问题:Unable to connect to the database 处理:编缉dvwa/config/config.inc.php,将$_DVWA[ ‘db_password’ ]的值改成自己设的数据库root账号的密码 重启httpd(service httpd restart)刷新页面如下图: 点击上图中的Create/Reset Database后会创建数据库,完后自动跳转登录页面。