1.从错误提示来看,是由于没有安装 gd 模块导致的,所以我直接使用命令apt-get install -y php-gd去安装 php-gd,但是安装失败; 提示错误信息:E: Unable to locate package php-gd 出现该报错的原因,可能是由于apt源库存在问题,需要更新下apt; 2.查看 apt 源库文件,进入 /etc/apt 目录; 注意:该目录下可能...
3、进入扩展目录:cd /usr/lamp/php-7.4.0/ext/gd 4、执行phpize,直接:/usr/local/php/config/phpize,即会提示执行完成,如果无法执行的,请确认m4与autoconf是否安装,如果未安装,可以通过yum进行安装:yum install -y m4,autoconf 5、执行./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config(说明...
PHP module gd: Missing - Only an issue if you want to play with captchas 解决方案 安装php-gd模块 apt-get install -y php-gd 安装后还是Missing,不过不影响后面应用的正常使用 reCAPTCHA key: Missing 解决方案 vi /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php 进入https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ad...
使用vi打开/etc目录下的php.in文件,将allow_url_include的值由Off改为On 十一、PHP module gd: Missing 运行如下指令: yum install -y php-gd 十二、reCAPTCHA key: Missing 进入/var/www/html/DVWA-master/config目录,编辑config.Inc.php文件: 配置$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_public_key' ] ='6LdK7xITAAzzAAJQT...
I was trying the fix the errors for (1)Allow_url_include (2) PHP module gd missing (3) reCaptcha key missing Operating system: *nix Backend database: MySQL PHP version: 7.0.9-2 PHP function display_errors: Disabled PHP function safe_mode: Disabled PHP function allow_url_include: ...
PHP function display_errors: Enabled (Easy Mode!) PHP function safe_mode: Disabled PHP function allow_url_include: Disabled PHP function allow_url_fopen: Enabled PHP function magic_quotes_gpc: Disabled PHP module php-gd: Installed reCAPTCHA key: Missing ...
php-gd I would recommend doing an update before this, just so you make sure you are going to get the latest version of everything. apt update apt install -y apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client php php-mysqli php-gd libapache2-mod-php The site will work with MySQL instead of Mari...
apache2 libapache2-mod-php mariadb-server mariadb-client php php-mysqli php-gdI would recommend doing an update before this, just so you make sure you are going to get the latest version of everything.apt update apt install -y apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client php php-mysqli php...
login.php fixing broken links 5年前 logout.php cleanup - formatting issues 9年前 php.ini Insert missing equal signs ("=") in example php.ini 5年前 phpinfo.php cleanup - formatting issues 9年前 robots.txt Initial Commit 12年前 security.php ...
访问:如下,红色表示不能正常使用: 问题:PHP function allow_url_include: Disabled 处理:编缉/etc/php.ini将allow_url_include值由Off改为On 问题:PHP module gd: Missing 处理... 查看原文 2.File Inclusion配置dvwa——小白笔记——文件包含漏洞 0x01: 1.进入dvwa的File Inclusion...