Ronen Rg-T200mhfi-05 Apply for Car GPS/DVR Driving Recorder 2.0-Inch TFT LCD Screen US$3.00-10.00 10 Pieces (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available Screen Size: 2" Application: Indoor, Graphic DesignContact Supplier Chat Still deciding? G...
7.0 Inch TFT LCD Screen 800x480 with RGB 40pin Optional Rtp or CTP Apply for Car GPS/DVD/DVR and Medical TFT LCD TFT means a thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT LCD) is a variant of a liquid-crystal display that us...
成都市医疗保障局为提高群众生育医疗待遇保障水平,近日发布了《成都市医疗保障局等5部门关于优化调整生育医疗待遇政策的通知》(成医保发〔2024〕11号)。为了让这一政策更好地惠及到广大孕产妇,我院医保部于2024年5月31日到产科开展新政策培训,让医护人员及时了解生育报销新政策。 医保部张海兰首先介绍了新政策调整的...
Apply to remove excess solder, tiny components and solder joints. Aluminum alloy handle for greater durability. Product Parameters Product Name Desoldering Pump Product Description Apply to remove excess solder, tiny components and solder joints. Aluminum alloy handle for...