instructions for DVP-SX2, please refer to “DVP-SX2 Operation Manual: Programming”. For details on the optional peripheral, please refer to the instruction sheet enclosed in the package. This is an OPEN TYPE PLC. The PLC should be kept in an enclosure away from ...
AELTA DVP-SX2 安装说明 ...2011-04-12 5011696701-SX21 DVP-1150070-02
V2+ I2+ VI2- V3+ I3+ VI3- FE VO0 VO1 IO1 AG S/S X0 X1 X2 X5 X6 X7 ZP Y0 Y1 Y4 Y5 X4 UP Y3 IO0 X3 Y2 Dimension & Installation Please install the PLC in an enclosure with sufficient space around it to allow heat ...
Note2: Refer to Slim Type Special Module Communications in the appendix E of the DVP programming manual for more details on RS-485 communication setups. If DVP04AD-S/DVP04AD-S2 modules are connected to a PLC, the modules are numbered from Connecting to a DVP series PLC 0 – 7. 0 is...
libcaca:一个基于终端接口的 ASCII 渲染器。WTFPLv2。官网 libimagequant:小且轻量级的库,用于高质量的从 RGBA 图像到 8 位像素图的转换。FreeBSD。官网 libjpeg-turbo:一个更快的读写 JPEG 文件库。Various licences。官网 libpng:官方 PNG 参考库。libpng license。官网 ...
represented by SV2. This instruction sheet only provides introductory information on electrical specifications, general specifications, installation and wiring. For detalied infromation on programming and intructions, please refer to “DVP-PLC Application Manual: ...
instructionsforDVP-SX2,pleasereferto“DVP-SX2OperationManual: Programming”.Fordetailsontheoptionalperipheral,pleaserefertotheinstruction sheetenclosedinthepackage. ThisisanOPENTYPEPLC.ThePLCshouldbekeptinanenclosureawayfrom airbornedust,humidity,electricshockriskandvibration.Also,itisequippedwith ...