LOST MOT CERTIFICATE We can buy your vehicle without the MOT certificate CERTIFICATES OF DESTRUCTION (C.O.D.) Should your vehicle be a CAT B write off or it is agreed by discussion that your vehicle is beyond repair or cannot be used on the road for any other reason we can issue you ...
Write to the DVLA: The DVLA has centres based all over the UK, but its headquarters can be found in Swansea. If you need to write to the DVLA or post a form (such as a driving license renewal) then you will need to use the appropriate address. The following are its primary contact...
In order to get your code from the DVLA, you'll need your post-code, driving licence and National Insurance number - time to dig out the crumbling NI card! Enter those detailshereand the site will give you your unique code to jot down. Write it somewhere safe as you'll need it to ...