vehicle tax, making a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), driving licenses and applications, it’s best to find the appropriate email address for that department, rather than sending to the general enquiries DVLA email address. The email addresses you need to contact the DVLA are as follows...
I have changed details online to get v5 certificate following a bereavement,I needed to do this to tax vehicle.Since doing this five weeks ago constantly fobbed off with "It's in the system" How difficult is this?There is no way to find out online of progress,we live in a digital worl...
We can buy your vehicle without the MOT certificate CERTIFICATES OF DESTRUCTION (C.O.D.) Should your vehicle be a CAT B write off or it is agreed by discussion that your vehicle is beyond repair or cannot be used on the road for any other reason we can issue you with a certificate of...
WITH the introduction of Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) from January 31 1998, DVLA removed the "do nothing" option from motorists tempted to delay their payment of vehicle excise duty when receiving a vehicle licence reminder.Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)...
For most cars used on the road, this extra tax will be collected with the vehicle excise duty.It will also apply to disabled drivers, pre-1973 classics and cars kept off the road under the Government's SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) regulations.None of these categories currently pay...
Vehicle Licensing Agency staff will clamp and impound offenders carsuntil the road tax is renewed.And, as the DVLAs shock TV adverts demonstrates, vehicles not claimed withinseven days will be crushed.Last night critics were outraged over the appalling and mean-minded move.MPs fired off angry ...