Today you still have to do all of those things and, in many ways, actually sorting them out is easier due to online services for tax and insurance and the DVLA telephone service for car tax. But since 31 January 1998 we have also had SORN or Statutory Off Road Notification and this ...
Use our table below to find the best telephone number for your situation, from buying a car to paying pesky parking fines.Driving license Enquiries Tax, MOT and insurance Driving test Number plates, registration and log books Buying, selling or scrapping Disabled driving and medical conditions ...
It is absolutely ridiculous that I now have to wait up to 6 weeks to take MY PERSONAL number plate, that i paid for, off a car (because a previous owner didn't tax THE CAR) so that i can sell said car, this means loosing my current offer for my car and also the car i was ...