pre-1973 classics and cars kept off the road under the Government's SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) regulations.None of these categories currently pay VED.Nigel Humphries, spokesman for the Association of British Drivers, says: "This means that people are going to have to pay tax to ke...
In recent years, I've been paying for my vehicle road tax by monthly direct debit. The tax is due for renewal at the beginning of November, and I wanted to change the monthly direct debit to an annual payment, i.e. - pay once for the whole year and save some money. I thought it...
Define DVLA. DVLA synonyms, DVLA pronunciation, DVLA translation, English dictionary definition of DVLA. abbreviation for Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ