A consultation document recently issued by the DVLA details plans to introduce a new tax on all cars registered on its system, including those that are not used on the road by their owners.The `Fee Proposals' consultation, which closes on November 8, claims the new tax is necessary to ...
Define DVLA. DVLA synonyms, DVLA pronunciation, DVLA translation, English dictionary definition of DVLA. abbreviation for Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ
The DVLA is the organisation responsible for the upkeep of a database of UK drivers and vehicles. It forms a part of the Department for transport and also manages Driving Licenses, Road Tax and private number registration plates. Note: The equivalent agency in Northern Ireland is the Driver ...
As from my previous with DVLA when they tried to prosecute me (UNSUCCESSFULLY) for using a vehicle on public roads without paying Road Tax ! The TRUTH of the matter was the woman who bought it from me after advertising it to sell has been driving it around without paying Road Tax. My ...
"This operation will show that there will be no hiding place for drivers who drive their vehicles illegally on the road or refuse to tax or insure their vehicles." Police believe 27,000 vehicles are being used illegally in North Wales. Many drivers automatically become uninsured when thei...
In the days when Minis were still rolling off the production line, keeping your Mini on the road was a simple and straightforward business. To remain legal, you had to insure your car, get an MOT if it was over three years old and then tax it for six or 12 months. Today you still...