Car Tax Car Checks V5C Logbooks Number Plates MOT and Vehicle Testing Statutory Off-Road Notification (SORN) DVSA DVLA Forms Welsh Language We provide a call forwarding service that makes telephoning the DVLA quicker and easier. We also supply a free number to call wherever possible. We are ...
To sell your car to us simply remove the yellow part of your registration document V5C and complete the section as shown below: Please leave the remainder of the V5C in the front glove box of the vehicle at the time of collection
I told them and wrote to them with evidence that I am no longer the owner of a written off vehicle yet they still want to fine me for a car I don't own! Disgusting low lifes making money out of innocent public. Sort yourselves out you bunch of Karen's. Date of experience: July ...
A large number of people have been fined over the years and many of them have quite innocently taken their car off the road and simply forgotten to declare SORN. Things are changing though, in some ways for the better and others not so. Here is a guide to keeping one step ahead, and...
A consultation document recently issued by the DVLA details plans to introduce a new tax on all cars registered on its system, including those that are not used on the road by their owners.The `Fee Proposals' consultation, which closes on November 8, claims the new tax is necessary to ...