To sell your car to us simply remove the yellow part of your registration document V5C and complete the section as shown below: Please leave the remainder of the V5C in the front glove box of the vehicle at the time of collection
The ads, which break on August 5, 2004, tell people that if they do not send their vehicle registration certificate to the DVLA with the new owner's details when they sell their car, they will continue to be responsible for the car's tax.Barns...
Use our table below to find the best telephone number for your situation, from buying a car to paying pesky parking fines.Driving license Enquiries Tax, MOT and insurance Driving test Number plates, registration and log books Buying, selling or scrapping Disabled driving and medical conditions ...
We’ve always watched in the movies that when someone is getting a new and fancy car, they have registration plates with their name or some important day written on it. It looks very interesting and charming, but as you can guess, it can also be pretty expensive, depending on what you ...
CDL VIS is the leading UK provider of vehicle registration mark (VRM) & DVLA vehicle look-up services, well known for its popular consumer why choose us? Accurate, up-to-the-minute vehicle intelligence From a VRM, our trusted data tells you everything you need to kno...
DVLA Accused as Car-Jackings Rise; CRIME: Police Want to Make It Harder for People to Obtain False Registration Documents
registration in any way. You can make your car seem older than it actually is but you are not allowed to make it look newer. For example you cannot put an 11 number plate on a 07 plate car. Fancy or decorative fonts are also not allowed on car registration plates. You are allowed ...
New Style: Post-2001 registrations Step 1 Select 2 Letters Step 2 Select a Year Step 3 Select 3 letters Dateless Style: Step 1 Type Your Dateless Registration About Us At we class ourselves as one of the best and most trusted number plate dealers in the country. We ha...
registration sheets were taken from the DVLA offices in Swansea.Homes in the Welsh city and in London have also been raided by police probing the theft.V5 sheets can be hugely lucrative to car crime gangs as they can give apparently legitimate new identities to stolen cars.This allows 'cloned...