The article informs that plans of Great Britain Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to implement an online driving-licence checking system has been scrapped due to an estimated budget shortfall of 25m-30m pound for the 2009/10 financial year. Scheduled to start in 2010, the online checker...
Hello all, I have a question about driving. I need some info on dvla and driving licence renewal. I'm not sure what information I need to apply for renewal and what if anything I need to tell the dvla (Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency). I'm really kind of scared about this. I ...
Hi, I have a real problem. The dvla has refused to renew my driving licence due to my diabetes type 1. I really need my licence to get to work.
The DVLA will send you a letter if your licence has been taken away, or if your application for a driving licence is refused. This letter will then tell you if there’s a period of time you need to wait before getting a new licence. You can then reapply eight weeks before the end o...
In order to get your code from the DVLA, you'll need your post-code, driving licence and National Insurance number - time to dig out the crumbling NI card! Enter those detailshereand the site will give you your unique code to jot down. Write it somewhere safe as you'll need it to ... küresel sıralama trendini son 3 aydaki ile karşılaştırın veya 'nin kendi kategorisinde veya ülkesinde ölçülen sıralamasını daha derinlemesine inceleyin
Byline: By STEVE BAGNALLDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
DVLA Likened to Prisoner of War Camp over Proposal for 9ft Fence; SWANSEA: Driving Licence Centre Defends Security Scheme after Neighbours Complain about Loss of PrivacyWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)