DVLAhave many online systems, all of which can be used to find out information about your driving license, car and/or other vehicles. We have a DVLA license plate check to find out if your ideal plate has already been taken, simply use the supersearch tool at the top of this page. Th...
If you’re not prepared to spend thousands on a simple way to customise your car, we have the perfectDVLA number platefor you to suit any budget - we’re sure of it! DVLA Private Plates TheDVLA cherished platesthat we provide are mainly of the prefix and current style, but we are abl...
Byline: BEN TAYLOR;OLINKA KOSTERDaily Mail (London)
It is absolutely ridiculous that I now have to wait up to 6 weeks to take MY PERSONAL number plate, that i paid for, off a car (because a previous owner didn't tax THE CAR) so that i can sell said car, this means loosing my current offer for my car and also the car i was ...