Define DVLA. DVLA synonyms, DVLA pronunciation, DVLA translation, English dictionary definition of DVLA. abbreviation for Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ
1. Getting your code from the DVLA In order to get your code from the DVLA, you'll need your post-code, driving licence and National Insurance number - time to dig out the crumbling NI card! Enter those detailshereand the site will give you your unique code to jot down. Write it so...
Attempting to renew licence online results in repeated errors of DVLA's making. Try it all again, states 'we can't match your details' - the same details I previously entered. Try again, states 'please close down your browser and wait 20 minutes'. Try Chat, first message states 'you ...