Direct visual SLAMCamera-LiDARSparse depthThis paper presents a framework for direct visual-LiDAR SLAM that combines the sparse depth measurement of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) with a monocular camera. The exploitation of the depth measurement between two sensor modalities has been reported in...
《DVL-SLAM: sparse depth enhanced direct visual-LiDAR SLAM》(autonomous Robots 2020 ) Motivation 目前的激光视觉融合深度的方式主要是通过基于关键帧的方法或者融合深度图的方式,当稀疏性变得严重的时候,这些方法会有比较大的局限,比如说无法精确匹配,作者发现通过联合优化多个关键帧的每个测量从而直接利用稀疏深度会...
This paper presents a framework for direct visual-LiDAR SLAM that combines the sparse depth measurement of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) with a monoc
【#姐姐们的SlamDunk#】KBS2TV综艺节目《姐姐们的Slam Dunk》 Dance Battle!姐姐们 VS I.O.I [心] 今天晚上播出完整版~敬请期待[赞] #Tiffany# #金淑# #罗美兰# #闵孝琳# #Jessi# #洪真京# @myloveKBS 想看视频...