Usage For detailed information about the command-line interface and all available options ofdvisvgm, see themanual page. Dependencies dvisvgmrelies on the following free libraries: Clipper To compute the intersection of two curved paths,dvisvgmflattens the paths to polygons, intersects them using...
the manual page. Added color special color set to replace the current color without pushing a new value onto the color stack. See the manual page for more details. Added macros {?fillcolor} and {?strokecolor} to retrieve the current fill and stroke color, respectively. The former macro {...
TTF/WOFF data written to SVG files now use a static creation and modification date to ensure identical SVG files for unchanged input files (#120). Slightly improved formatting and wording of the manual page.Assets 5 5.04 MB 2024-11-14T15:52:17Z dvisvgm-3.4...
This package is available fromCTAN, and can be downloaded from theproject websiteas well. There you find the sources,pre-compiled binaries, themanual page,FAQsand further information about the converter and related topics. If you've found a bug, please let me know. You can either send me ...
For detailed information about the command-line interface and all available options of dvisvgm, see the manual page.Dependenciesdvisvgm relies on the following free libraries:Clipper To compute the intersection of two curved paths, dvisvgm flattens the paths to polygons, intersects them using a...
For detailed information about the command-line interface and all available options of dvisvgm, see the manual page.Dependenciesdvisvgm relies on the following free libraries:Clipper To compute the intersection of two curved paths, dvisvgm flattens the paths to polygons, intersects them using a...