影视>电影>按介质/地区>DVD>THE WIZARD OF OZ.DVD>绿野仙踪(简装DVD-5) 分享 收藏商品(3人气) 绿野仙踪(简装DVD-5) 导演:维克托·弗莱明介质:DVD 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥4.00 定价 ¥9.00 配送至 北京市东城区 运费6元,满49元包邮 服务 由“当当”发货,并提供售后服务。
绿野仙踪(DVD) 类别:迪士尼 品牌:The Wizard of Oz以及绿野仙踪(DVD)图片、评论、心得等信息,为您购买绿野仙踪(DVD)提供方便快捷的网上购物体验
英文片名:Wizard of Oz 中文片名:绿野仙踪 发行公司:华纳 发行日期:2005年10月25日 零售价格:26.99美元(双碟)/39.92(三碟) 三碟收藏版封面图 双碟特别版封面图 剧情简介(转):根据同名童话改编的经典儿童音乐电影。小女孩桃乐丝因为与收养她的婶婶顶嘴,独自外出,结果被龙卷风刮到一个鲜花盛开的小人国。在仙女和人...
This is a review of the 4-disc (5 technically) standard DVD boxed set edition ofThe Wizard of Oz– NOT the Blu-ray set. I’m not set up with HDTV or Blu-ray yet, and Warner Home Video was kind enough to send me this boxed set as a “Thank You” for helping to promote these ...
WIZARD OF OZ; DVD REVIEWS BUY IT THE PROPOSITION (18, DVD Pounds 19.99) ***Byline: BY JESSICA MELLORThe Mirror (London, England)
Wizard of Oz prototyping of computer vision based action games for children This paper describes the use of the Wizard of Oz (WOz) method in the design of computer vision based action games controlled with body movements. A WOz stu...
The Wizard of Oz [DVD] In 100+ people's carts Add Now $5.00current price Now $5.00 $14.49Was $14.49 $26.32/lbThe Wizard of Oz [DVD] 2274.8 out of 5 Stars. 227 reviews Save with Shipping, arrives in 3+ days The Edge (DVD), Mill Creek, Action & Adventure Add $9.99current price...
Wizard Of Oz [Blu-Ray], The B+/B+/B Wizard Of Oz, The: 75th Anniversary Edition [Blu-Ray] B+/B/B+ Wizard Of Oz, The [Blu-Ray 3D] B+/B/B+ Wizard Of Oz, The [4K UHD] A/B/A- Wolf [Blu-Ray] C+/C+/D- Wolf Hound [Blu-Ray] B+/B+/B Wolf Man, The (1941) B-...
The City of Lost Children Reviews like this are so easy. I watched this -- loved its offbeat charm, thrilled to the fantastic cinematography, visuals such eye-candy, costumes, effects, storyline, acting all good . . . imagine that Wizard of Oz charm meets Moulin Rouge flair meets Dark Ci...
wall, the War and Peace Wedding Date what's eating when harry met sally where have all the flowers gone Wings of Desire Wizard of OZ woman is a woman World According to Garp, The Wuthering Heights/jane eyre your friends and neighbors...