DVD-R和DVD + R之间的主要功能差异是它们确定光盘上激光束位置的方式。 DVD-R在光盘的凹槽上使用微小的标记(称为“凸台凹坑”)来确定激光的位置。DVD + R没有台面凹坑,而是在激光移向光盘外部时测量“摆动频率”。 3. DVD-R VS DVD + R –质量/速度/价格比较 通过应用不同的技术,DVD + R在许多方面都...
2. DVD-R VS DVD + R –功能差异 DVD-R和DVD + R之间的主要功能差异是它们确定光盘上激光束位置...
r.a.d.treeview r.a.d.chart Velocitis Flywheel Professional 7.2 Xamlon, Inc. XamlonCommentsAnonymous January 06, 2005 AmberPoint Express is available for free from their web site.http://www.amberpoint.com/solutions/express.shtml Anonymous January 14, 2005 http://joeydotnet.com/archive/2005/...
#1.DVD + R VS DVD-R-标准区别 DVD-R格式是Pioneer在1997年开发的.大多数普通的DVD播放器都支持该格式,并且得到了DVD论坛的批准. DVD + R格式是由Philips和Sony共同开发的.他们的DVD + RW联盟于2002年推出. 支持DVD-R的公司包括Pioneer,东芝,日立和松下,而支持DVD + R的公司包括Sony,飞利浦,惠普,理光,以...
għal informazzjoni dwar kif jiġi appoġġjat dan il-prodott, is-servizz, it-teknoloġija, jew l-API.
HD DVD - overview of next generation optical disc format This paper provides an overview of high definition DVD (HD DVD), the next generation optical disc format. It discusses the transfiguration of each industri... T Kobota - IEEE 2-day Seminar on It to Hd: Visions of Broadcasting in ...
VidWebDVD.PlayerParentalLevel As Long Parameters This property takes no parameters. Return Values Returns aLongvalue specifying the current parental level, or -1 if parental management is disabled. Error Codes If the property fails,Err.Numbermay be set to one of the following values. ...
AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE enumeration AM_PROPERTY_SPHLI structure AM_PROPERTY_SPPAL structure AM_QueryRate structure AM_SimpleRateChange structure DVD_REGION structure MPEG2VIDEOINFO structure VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure Dxva9typ.h Errors.h
If you have a video that isn't in the format that you prefer, you can transfer the video format into a format that works better. This includes being able to burn a video creation onto a Blu-ray or DVD disc that is properly formatted.